You are finally becoming aware of some issue that are present in your life for quite some time now.
In the future, according to this dream, you will always acknowledge and be aware of these issues.
Synonyms: dim indistinct shadowy vague wispy
Sewing indicates that there is a lot of work to be done . This dream symbol is purely about your work, career, business, or passion projects. Craftsmanship is required, and you may be working hard to put everything together. Everything will come together perfectly! Sewing indicates that you that you are strong, wholly capable, and […]
You will have to help someone: do not refuse and you will be rewarded .
Do not be afraid to invest or take risks because dreams connected to childhood are positive signs for new beginnings. Dreaming about childhood represents a future that is abundant in new beginnings and one that is filled with enthusiasm for new things. These new things wait for you if you dream of yourself as a […]