This unique dream dictionary provides only positive interpretations. Even «Death» is interpreted here in a positive way. My approach is based on the mindset of a modern person following their path to happiness, and it is sharply distinguished from traditional interpretations.
This book was created to help anyone who has had a nightmare or who was scared by a dream. Dreamonicle can dispel your fear and make you feel great. It inspires readers! Also, it provides excellent advice to help you move forward in life. Idea of this book was started by my granddad who interpreted his wife’s dreams in a positive way. She suffered from particularly bad nightmares in those days. I developed this method and formed a society to help people stop their downward spiral after a nightmare and to begin their forward progress. The society is a narrow circle of friends, and Dreamonicle brings our ideas to everyone here.
The book also contains a discussion of methods about how to have healthy sleep, how to go to sleep at night, and how to be calm before sleep and suffer from insomnia. In no time at all, it can help readers feel great. The current edition includes more than a 1000 interpretations of common and symbolic dreams.
This book may be a perfect present for your grandma! It is for everyone who is aware about the great effect of positive thinking. And for everyone who is aware, but perhaps his spouse, grandpa or partner is not, then this makes for a great gift.
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