See “Gala”
Synonyms: Ball Lucille Ball
Kids are a symbol of purity and innocence. To be surrounded by children means that you will experience delightful emotions connected to your past, and you will be in an atmosphere of calm and peace. You might also be witness to a miracle.
Money in a dream is a great sign, promising well-being. Your dreams will come true and “dream” money will materialize into real income in real life. To give money to someone signifies that your success will positively affect other people, and you will be rewarded for your generosity.
You need to address how this is showing up in your life. Life is not all rainbows, sunshine, and unicorns; it is also thunder, dark skies, and crocodiles. This is a fact of life . So, take time for self-discovery and introspection. Healing is on the horizon.