To see brows is a signal to look upon the current situation strategically. You should make a plan and decide on your steps in your current affairs.
To pluck the brows indicates that you should concentrate on the most important things.
Flowers symbolize hidden opportunities and abilities. You will be able to show all your talents. The color of the flowers you see matters: Red flowers — you will succeed in love. Blue flowers — you will succeed at your work; you may get promoted. White flowers — your parents will appreciate you more. Seeing lilies […]
To be arrested in your dream signifies that you are a noble person who is always ready to protect the weaker ones. Being arrested is a positive sign meaning you will be able to achieve all your aims. To see other people being arrested indicates that you will overcome all obstacles on the path to […]
This dream symbol is reminding you of the importance of the foundations in your life. You are safe and protected and have nothing to fear. Your aura, the energy bubble encompassing you, is strong at this time. You are seeking ways to strengthen your foundation, home, business or personal relationships. You’re also developing your own […]