To see brows is a signal to look upon the current situation strategically. You should make a plan and decide on your steps in your current affairs.
To pluck the brows indicates that you should concentrate on the most important things.
To stand on the balcony is a signal of future job promotion. If you are standing on the balcony of your own house, you will be respected and honored by your colleagues . The balcony of a different house signifies a romantic adventure. To see a house with lots of balconies promises plenty of events, […]
A boat is a symbol of safety and protection in long and difficult journeys. If you are dreaming about a boat, it is a sign that you are now ready to make wise decisions that you have hesitated to make. You can also go on a trip, make new partnerships in business, or start a […]
Dreaming of a foal means speed, fearless motion toward success, and enormous strength within you. It indicates that you are cautious and that you always look out for possible danger. Every obstacle that you face will be won with inner strength. Every person that comes between you and your goal will no longer be a […]