To see brows is a signal to look upon the current situation strategically. You should make a plan and decide on your steps in your current affairs.
To pluck the brows indicates that you should concentrate on the most important things.
To suffer from insomnia in a dream promises a lot of events and occasions to come. To see someone else suffering from insomnia signifies that you should pay more attention to this person and take care of him or her. If in the dream you are unable to sleep and constantly wake up while everyone […]
You are finally becoming aware of some issue that are present in your life for quite some time now. In the future, according to this dream, you will always acknowledge and be aware of these issues.
This reliable green jewel in dreams is a sign of great wealth in real life. To be more precise, emerald brings wealth that will, in fact, be inherited . Yes, you have indeed been worried about this inheritance, but no more worries. The wealth will become yours, and you will protect it from the wrong […]