To pay off debt indicates that you will get rid of past arguments and reconcile with people.
To take a loan signifies that you will get some useful knowledge and information from important people, and you will be able to apply it to your job.
Alcoholism in a dream signifies that you always look after the people you love, which makes you a very caring person. It is undoubtedly good. But don’t you think you get too anxious at times? Psychologists advise you to relax and not to do more than is asked of you. To drink with an alcoholic […]
To see the devil—the spirit of contradiction and reflection—in a dream means that you treat your life too seriously. Take it easy! To have the devil as a friend in a dream suggests that you will reconcile with your enemy. A woman who has dreamt of being married to the devil will meet with a […]
An unexpected journey between you and your friends or family is coming soon. At least this is what dreaming of coffee means. You will share your thoughts and your time with these people, and the memories you’ll make on this journey will remain within you for a long time. These memories will be your inspiration […]