To visit a dentist in a dream is a signal that you need the support and attention of your closest ones. It is also a sign that a person ready to help you is about to be by your side.
Synonyms: dental practitioner tooth doctor
A casket (a chest or box) represents the need for security and safety. Perhaps there is something or someone in your life you want to keep close to you, either through genuine feelings and love or through physical circumstances? A lover may play a significant part of your life in this chapter. You should hold […]
Giving a grimace to someone means that a person from the opposite gender is secretly admiring you. In one to two months, this person is going to start a conversation, and if you are not romantically connected, you should go for it. If you are with someone, then this person will remain in your life […]
People who dream of thunder will soon hear a voice that will enlighten their path. God’s voice. If you hear thunder near you in your dream, then your family and friends will hold on to you for a long time. You will be their guide. To hear thunder and see lightning is also a good […]