In different legends and myths, dwarves are keepers of underground treasures – gems and metals.
To see a dwarf in your dream is a clear sign of big income, easy money, and even great luck in the lottery or any other competition.
Synonyms: gnome
Dreaming of a waterfall entails a lot of emotions. In fact, it reminds you of the feelings you have for your family. A waterfall represents your emotions.
If you have dreamt that you have given someone cheek , this portrays that you have the self- assertiveness and courage to stand up for yourself. In normal circumstances, i.e., in non-dream world (waking life!) cheek is something disrespectful and rude. However, as a dream symbol, giving someone cheek shows strength. At this time, your […]
A horse represents freedom, movement, sensuality and sexuality. You can overcome all obstacles in your life right now, and soar as the magnificent creature that you are. You are strong, confident, and beautiful, and you possess great stamina and drive. You are also self-empowered. You are a sensual and sexual being! These traits are working […]