You are finally becoming aware of some issue that are present in your life for quite some time now.
In the future, according to this dream, you will always acknowledge and be aware of these issues.
Synonyms: dim indistinct shadowy vague wispy
Seeing your friend in a dream indicates that he o4 she is thinking about you and may want to see you. If you dream about someone you do not know acting like your friend, it signifies that you will gain new acquaintances, a higher status in society, and strong partnerships. Friends play a critical role […]
The birth of a child symbolizes joy and prosperity. The dream indicates that you will open a new source of opportunities in your life. You may get attractive offers or meet interesting people. You will probably start working on a new promising project.
To go to Africa in your dreams signifies a trip in real life. You will probably visit a country that you have never been to before. Hot, faraway countries can also indicate that you have undiscovered talents and skills. Time to prove yourself! To see African plants is a good sign for those who is […]