You are finally becoming aware of some issue that are present in your life for quite some time now.
In the future, according to this dream, you will always acknowledge and be aware of these issues.
Synonyms: dim indistinct shadowy vague wispy
If you dream about material that was responsible for the first weapons and tools that made humans more productive, then life will provide you with stability. Rocks are usually stable, and they remind us of tranquility. The same things are going to be delivered into your life. The upcoming stability will help you a lot […]
Cruelty and kindness often go hand in hand. If you are cruel to a loved one in your dream, it is likely that the part of your brain tied to primal instincts is reminding you of past trauma. Cruelty in this dream very much represents a progression towards a better, more loving, and more stable […]
If you find yourself in a forge and see an anvil, this speaks of the thoroughness of your intentions. You will accomplish your goal because you are hardworking, creative, and persistent. The blacksmith is a mystical sign, his presence in your dream shows the support of higher powers in what you do.