To jump from a considerable height promises an unexpected job promotion or some other positive change to your social status.
To jump is to get respect and fame.
To jump together with your spouse promises a life-long love.
Synonyms: jumping
To see your hands covered with warts promises easy money that you will get without much effort. Warts on your face or body signify that you will be able to come out clean from an unpleasant situation that might otherwise affect your reputation. To see warts disappearing is a signal to be brave and go […]
Footwear represents grounding, you are connected to the earth’s energies at this time. You’re also protected. There is nothing to worry about . Security, safety, and issues of home and comfort may be in the forefront of your consciousness. Your desire for protection and a safe space to call home is strong at this time. […]
A magnificent stone castle symbolizes your unconscious need for support and protection. You are probably going through hard times. Pay attention to the details of your dream. If you see someone you know in the castle, it indicates that you want this person to comfort you. Depending on your status, a cozy castle with a […]