See “Numbers.”
Synonyms: definite quantity numeric numerical
To go shopping and renew your wardrobe symbolizes that you will achieve your goals. To look at your wardrobe and consider it unattractive indicates that you will change your style in real life. A room serving as a wardrobe signals some new interests and hobbies that will occupy your mind for a long time. To […]
An accident signifies success. It’s pretty likely you will soon have an enjoyable experience, or you will take part in an entertaining activity. An accident can also indicate an unexpected but appealing meeting that is sure to give you positive emotions and even make your life more thrilling and exciting. To get into a car […]
Dreaming of the afterworld is another kind of vivid and realistic vision that means spiritual awakening, among everything else. Every spiritual skill that is hidden deep inside you will be awakened, and every fear will be removed. To put it differently, you will experience rebirth. The beauty of the moment will be your newest motto, […]