See “Call.”
Cruelty and kindness often go hand in hand. If you are cruel to a loved one in your dream, it is likely that the part of your brain tied to primal instincts is reminding you of past trauma. Cruelty in this dream very much represents a progression towards a better, more loving, and more stable […]
To dream of butterflies is a good sign. A butterfly fluttering among flowers and green grass foreshadows wealth and prosperity. To see a lot of butterflies in a dream means receiving news from friends. For a young woman, such a dream foreshadows love, which will end with a happy marriage. For u nmarried men it […]
A lightbulb in a dream promises an unexpected event. It also represents creativity and intuition. In the mythology of different cultures, lightning is a symbol of the king of the gods. In India, thunder and lightning represent creativity.