You seem to crave a weekend with your friends, a time when you can relax and forget about your everyday problems. Do not wait for a chance – just go with your friends. You can organize food, drinks and some amusing games.
Synonyms: sweat room
The helm is a symbol for taking control of your life. You are the captain of your own ship! Have you ever stopped to look at the language that defines us and shapes our world? Relationships, friendships, partnerships and acquaintanceships…. Life is full of “-ships.” Just like a boat sailing smoothly through the vast sea […]
Animals in dreams usually mean freedom, wisdom, and power. Every hidden part of yourself is now free, and you have a lot of chances to improve in different fields. You will face and destroy your fears and make better choices for your own sake. Breaking out of your subconscious mind is also a possibility that […]
Your priorities may soon change. Think about it.