Stay committed to your current course of action, and don’t allow any negativity to pollute your mindset or get in the way of your goals. Success is coming.
Synonyms: dirt malicious gossip
An alley is a pathway into new beginnings, a new chapter, or, quite simply, a new you. There is the integral aspect of going on a journey associated with an alley, and alleys are usually narrow – or at least they are perceived as such. This implies that there is some sort of restriction, blockage, […]
Applying makeup all over your face in your dream indicates revealing your hidden talents to the world. By showing people your hidden skills, you will change a lot of opinions others have about you. If you are applying makeup to your eyes, then you will realize wrong judgments toward another person. If you are applying […]
A bathroom represents your need for comfort, security and privacy, with privacy being the main aspect in focus. Instead of being naked, you wish to be covered. This can literally signal purity and a pure state of mind, body, and spirit or being; or it could refer to your desire for personal comfort and protection. […]