Stay committed to your current course of action, and don’t allow any negativity to pollute your mindset or get in the way of your goals. Success is coming.
Synonyms: dirt malicious gossip
A fairy is a dream symbol of your guardian angel. Now you are going through a happy period of your life. Your dreams will come true, you will be able to spend more time with the people you love. You will balance relationships with your family. This dream also promises financial well-being. In general, you […]
In dreams and in real life, curtains mean the same thing: hiding. We all know that there are positive feelings in life that should remain inside us, intact. Well, this dream reminds you of those feelings and suggests that they should be your primary focus for inspiration all the time. You are shielding those feelings […]
If you dream of an advertising agent or you see an advertisement — this is a pleasant change in your personal life and business success. An unexpected acquaintance or meeting with a person who turned out to be an advertising agent is guidance to show vigilance and prudence when making decisions. If, however, you yourself […]