Shivering in a dream indicates that you need care and attention from your family and friends. You are probably tired and want to have a rest. At times, however, this dream can mean the opposite – that someone is expecting your attention and care.
Synonyms: chill frisson quiver shudder thrill tingle
A canyon in the dream world is a sign of upcoming trips, adventures, and new acquaintances, especially with foreigners. Also , this dream promises new spiritual discoveries – you can take up a new hobby or get interested in something totally new for you.
A country house appears in dreams as a reminder to follow your instincts. The peace that surrounds this house means that you want you to listen to your intuition and make decisions based on your intuition. Two or more country houses symbolize friendships and relationships. These types of houses remind you that you are […]
To meet a beggar in a dream is a positive sign, which promises unexpected pleasant events and good luck. To give to charity or to the homeless promises a chance to prove yourself as a generous person. Do not miss this opportunity, because your generosity will not go unnoticed , and this experience will be […]