See “Sun.”
Synonyms: summertime
A large loaded chest may represent how capacious and significant you will become in the near future. An open but loaded chest suggests that soon, many loving and tender feelings someone has about you will come up. If the chest you dream about is made from wood, then you will start paying attention to small […]
The good news is that feeling trapped in a dream is your subconscious pointing at what needs to be fixed in your conscious life. If you are trapped in a war zone in a dream, you likely need to rid yourself of toxic relationships or environments in real life. Being trapped in a small space […]
A lot of things in life, from time to time, require maintenance. A mortgage in dreams represents precisely this. In fact, it gives you a solid perspective on a situation that requires a little glitter. The glitter is going to be you, and you will keep it stable. This maintenance has to happen all the […]