A village is a sign of an upcoming meeting with an old friend from your childhood, and pleasant memories.
A winter village is a promise of some changes in life, such as a new job or house.
Synonyms: Greenwich Village Village
Translated from Chinese, ‘magnet’ stands for a ‘loving stone’. The Chinese used to compare the way magnets attract iron to the way a mother loves her children. If you are experiencing magnetic influence in your dream, it indicates that you are very attractive to other people. You may get interesting offers or old friends may […]
Although initially thought of as a block, a barrier is actually a gateway. Barriers are known to prevent movement and success, so what better way is there to overcome potential challenges and setbacks than to break through and rise as a new person?! The barrier here is showing you both your need and capacity for […]
Punishment in dreams indicates that there is someone in your life that needs your forgiveness . Soon, this person will decide to approach you, and with your forgiveness, you will remove the guilt that is hidden inside. There is a possibility that this person wronged you somehow in the past, and this is a chance […]