A village is a sign of an upcoming meeting with an old friend from your childhood, and pleasant memories.
A winter village is a promise of some changes in life, such as a new job or house.
Synonyms: Greenwich Village Village
A storm is a symbol of emotions you are filled with right now, and is also a sign of changes. If you are not in the epicenter of the storm, that is definitely a good sign – you will be able to dodge all problems and trouble. If you happen to be in the eye […]
A queue represents the efforts you make. You are a person who survives everything life throws at you, and you love the feeling of proving that you are capable of overcoming anything. You accept yourself just the way you are, and these traits make you an even better person. Your priority is your happiness, and […]
In real life, dogs bark because they want to tell humans something, something about what they feel or what they want. Sometimes they bark to warn you that someone is coming to your home. If you hear barking in your dream, it means that you have enormous protection in your life. Regardless of what you […]